- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Information concerning the submission of manuscripts
- Selection of copy editors
- Publication Guidelines
Focus and Scope
Poéticas, Review of Literary Studies is a quarterly, peer-reviewed publication of humanistic studies that counts on the support of the University of Granada (Spain), Benemérita Universidad Autónoma of Puebla (Mexico), Emory University, University of Washington, University of Texas at El Paso (United States) and Sapienza. Università di Roma (Italy). The Review invites specialists to send articles, critical monographs and reviews concerning different problems in poetic discourse, always based on a current and rigorous theoretical and conceptual framework that reveal a knowledge of and a profound familiarity with the material treated and that contribute to the promotion of critical debate and knowledge within the sphere of different approaches toward poetic theory.
In addition, there is interest in interpretations that relate poetry to other fields of literary culture, the arts and society. The review counts on the participation and counsel of prestigious research specialists from different countries in America and Europe toward the goal of constructing highly specialized academic networks around the study of lyrical poetry (authors, styles, norms for genres, etc.) The objective of Poéticas, Review of Literary Studies is to establish itself as a theoretical and critical review that serves as an orienting document with regard to current tendencies of research related to literary theory and its application to the study of poetry.
Section Policies
Los artículos deben tener entre 5500 y 12.000 palabras, incluyendo notas finales y referencias bibliográficas utilizadas. En relación a las fuentes utilizadas, cualquier permiso para su citación o publicación es exclusivamente responsabilidad del autor.
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Las entrevistas para Poéticas. Revista de Estudios Literarios se realizarán previa propuesta justificada del interés de la misma a un intelectual de prestigio reconocido y tras la aceptación de la revista.
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Open Submissions | Indexed | Peer Reviewed |
Peer Review Process
Poéticas, Review of Literary Studies, in accordance with any rigorous scientific publication, is a publication refereed by peer review. This presupposes an absolute anonymity on behalf of both parties. The reviewers, specialists in the subject matter, will not delay more than one month in writing their report, according to the criteria of the Review.
Poéticas, Review of Literary Studies, in accordance with any rigorous scientific publication, is a publication refereed by peer review. This presupposes an absolute anonymity on behalf of both parties. The reviewers, specialists in the subject matter, will not delay more than one month in writing their report, according to the criteria of the review. The autor/s will have another month to make possible corrections or a proposal for improvement and the article will be sent once again to the reviewers to receive the timely and definitive approval. Finally, and taking into consideration the report from the reviewers, the editorial team will make a definitive decision in accordance with the management team. This presupposes that the acceptance of an article will never exceed a period of more than three months.
As general criteria, Poéticas. Review of Literary Studies will place a high value on:
- Originality of focus and validity of conclusions.
- Relevance to the field of contributing poetic theory.
- Clarity of premise and exposition.
- Interest in other areas of related knowledge.
Based on these premises, the evaluators will have the following options:
- To accept the manuscript immediately.
- To suggest improvements that, in their judgment, will contribute to the quality of the text and to strengthen it theoretically.
- To reject the manuscript, asserting that it does not follow the dirction of the review or meet its basic premises.
Open Access Policy
Esta revista proporciona un acceso abierto inmediato a su contenido, basado en el principio de que ofrecer al público un acceso libre a las investigaciones ayuda a un mayor intercambio global de conocimiento.
Information concerning the submission of manuscripts
In order to send your submission to Poéticas, Review of Literary Studies the author/s must register with their username and password on the web page of the Review where in addition, they will find instructions for the online submission of the unpublished text and its subsequent tracking through the process of evaluation and/or subsequent acceptance.
During the submission process, authors should upload the archive of the manuscript to the web page of the review with their confirmed access ID and without any reference to authorship or affiliation. The subject of the article should name the article. Under no circumstances will a text be accepted that reveals the name or the affiliation of the author. In such cases, the article will be disregarded. The extension of the Word document should be.doc or .docx. Both are acceptable.
In the first phase, the manuscripts will be proofread by the Editorial Board to confirm and validate that the proposal corresponds to the subject matter and norms of the Review. Once approved, the manuscripts will undergo a scientific evaluation using the double blind system (or evaluation by peers) whose judgment will be definitive regarding the acceptance –or not– of the above-mentioned. Each article must be accompanied by an abstract of 200-250 words with a corresponding translation, plus five keywords (directly related to the text), also in the two languages of the review, Spanish and English. Also, with regard to rules of citation, the MLA Style Manual (2008) shall be followed. Its link may be accessed at: www.mla.org/Publications/Bookstore/Nonseries/ MLA-Style-Manual-and-Guide-to-Scholarly-Publishing-Third-Edition.
Articles should have between 5,500 and 12,000 words, including endnotes and bibliographic references used. Regarding sources used, any permission for their citation or publication is the exclusive responsibility of the author
Notes should have between 2,500 and 5,000 words, including endnotes and bibliographic references used. Regarding sources used, any permission for their citation or publication is the exclusive responsibility of the author
Interviews for Poéticas, Revista de Estudios Literarios shall take place with a prior approved proposal in the interest of the same with an intellectual of recognized prestige and after the approval of the Review.
Las reseñas deben tener entre 1000 y 1500 palabras. No incluyen ni notas ni bibliografía complementaria.
Reviews should have between 1,000 and 1,500 words. They do not include notes or accompanying bibliography.
The poems included in Poéticas. Revista de Estudios Literarios will be published upon invitation by the Editorial Board.
Las notas, siempre justificadas, deben aparecer a pie de página para un mejor seguimiento del contenido del manuscrito.
Notes, always justified, should appear at the foot of the page to better follow the content of the manuscript.
La referencias bibliográficas aparecerán al final del manuscrito atendiendo a las normas de MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.), cuyo enlace puede encontrarse en: www.mla.org/MLA-Style o bien en owl.english.purdue. edu/owl/resource/747/06/
Si se incluye algún APÉNDICE o ANEXO debe figurar a continuación de la Bibliografía.
Bibliographic references shall appear at the end of the manuscript in accordance with the rules of the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.), for which the link may be found in: www.mla.org/MLA-Style or in https://owl. english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/06/
If an appendix or an addendum is included it should appear at the end of the Bibliography.
1. Font: the font used should be Times New Roman size 12.
2. Macros or charts should not be included in the body of the text. In the event of being necessary, they shall be included at the end, just before the bibliography.
3. For epigraphs, Arabic numerals shall be used.
Selection of copy editors
Poéticas. Review of Literary Studies, has selected for the courses 2019-2021 more tan fifty copy editors from North American, European and Latin American universities that are among the most prestigious in their fields. In addition, they have agreed to attend to the manuscripts that are sent to them for their objective proof reading within the time frame stipulated by the review. If you wish to be a copy editor for our review, we thank you for sending your application to that effect on the web page of Poéticas for its evaluation.
Publication Guidelines
Based on these premises, the evaluators will have the following options:
a) To accept the manuscript immediately.
b) To suggest improvements that, in their judgment, will contribute to
the quality of the text and to strengthen it theoretically.
c) To reject the manuscript, asserting that it does not follow the direction
of the Review or meet its basic premises.